Assalamualaikum..xjwp dosa!!- haidi Takeafoto

My photo
Damansara, KL, Malaysia
What's there to say? My name is Haidi, and I'm me like only I can be. middle age of 20's, still bujang trang tang tang, much into guitar and photography. a degree holder in quantity surveyor (UTM Skudai, 2006), a project manager in this local construction industry, also a part time student @ Niosh(safety construction management) and also a freelance photographer.bla bla is strange, and together my friends and I live it to it's fullest.this is my life.nothing much about me..

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welcome to my life

elevenzerooneOone..something happened...and a day i decided to here i am....

"To me, photography is an art of observation. It's about finding something interesting in an ordinary place..I've found it has a little to do with things you see and everything to do with the way you see them. Aware of our surroundings..and always try to give meanings of everything we see"

-my lense' s story is my public first ever blog! i've been trying to picture myself holding a regular blog ever since i started reading some of the local blog about photographer..its looked fun and stuff but well, i never liked writing, so i quickly dropped the idea. blogging is not my thing, i thought. Then something really happen which i really regret i dont have any medium to rememberize it.

In spite of all this, this blog took birth on 11th jan 2010. i'll write mostly about myself, my boring life, my journey and its treasures. emm this is all exciting ! i have my very own blog

pull up a chair, lean back, relax & reminisce wif me, back to the GOOD OLD DAYS when the livin' was easy..

- HAIDI takeafoto


Sunday, February 13, 2011

Panggilan Pulau Photoshoot

Jap td aku belek2 isi perut hp compaq aku ni..ade lak jumpe gmbor lame..shoot kt empangan ulu yam talent ni fara, mua mase shoot ni aku pun xbape nak hengta sgt la...ok talent ni...bez ngn die ni..baget2 nak wat tema ala2 cite panggilan pulau citer PRamlee tu....rambut dah panjang, kulit pun ala2 sawo2 matang..bunge je xjumpe nak letak kt telinga talent ni..dah alang2 jupe dlm pc ni aku upload la sket..

Actually aku dah start pindah umh, dah start keje kt projek baru..umh yg aku duk skg ni btul2 belakang the mines tu..leh la lepak the mines selalu pasni..xpnh aku duk umh yg xde tanah 1st time la aku ase duk umah yg tinggi2 ni..tingkat 9 tu...yg beznye umh aku duk skg ni btul2 ngadap swimming pool..ptg2 je xsabo aku nak balik umh..leh gak aku skodeng2 aweks2 mandi kt pool tu..heheh sambil2 hirup udara segar la konon2..hahaha.zina mate ni..dose ni...

so tahun baru ni sume nak baru..environment keje baru, projek baru, umah baru, office baru, azam baru, awek xbape nak baru la..cume td je aku bru dpt satu berita yg xbape nak bez..last paper aku viva ari tu kantoi lak..aduss kene repeat bln 4 ni lak..kwn2 sekelas aku dulu pun ramai gak yg kantoi viva ni..ade la sorg dua indian gurl yg lulus...jom repeat lagi ramai2...leceh siut..nak wat tesis baru, tajuk lain lak tu...serius aku mls nak ngadap buku2 dah...dah tua2 cmni kene bukak buku lagik..


shuhadah Zainol said...

hai edy..lamanye x dtg umah edy...hihi... sihat ke?

amboi..dah pindah umah baru erk... zina mate...dose tau...:)

Shila said...

pindah kt juta mines ke??


lama x singgah sini...

Fane Davis said...

i admire ur photos...
oh,dah pindah umah yerr??/patutlah lama tak hudpate,busy pulak.hihih...

-anidaothman- said...

wOwww..cekci nyaa modeL nie....


TUDIA lama menghiLang dh tuh menyepi....

sihat kah????