Assalamualaikum..xjwp dosa!!- haidi Takeafoto

My photo
Damansara, KL, Malaysia
What's there to say? My name is Haidi, and I'm me like only I can be. middle age of 20's, still bujang trang tang tang, much into guitar and photography. a degree holder in quantity surveyor (UTM Skudai, 2006), a project manager in this local construction industry, also a part time student @ Niosh(safety construction management) and also a freelance photographer.bla bla is strange, and together my friends and I live it to it's fullest.this is my life.nothing much about me..

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welcome to my life

elevenzerooneOone..something happened...and a day i decided to here i am....

"To me, photography is an art of observation. It's about finding something interesting in an ordinary place..I've found it has a little to do with things you see and everything to do with the way you see them. Aware of our surroundings..and always try to give meanings of everything we see"

-my lense' s story is my public first ever blog! i've been trying to picture myself holding a regular blog ever since i started reading some of the local blog about photographer..its looked fun and stuff but well, i never liked writing, so i quickly dropped the idea. blogging is not my thing, i thought. Then something really happen which i really regret i dont have any medium to rememberize it.

In spite of all this, this blog took birth on 11th jan 2010. i'll write mostly about myself, my boring life, my journey and its treasures. emm this is all exciting ! i have my very own blog

pull up a chair, lean back, relax & reminisce wif me, back to the GOOD OLD DAYS when the livin' was easy..

- HAIDI takeafoto


Saturday, July 24, 2010

23/07/2010 - the saddest day of my life

salam..speechless..xtau nk ckp pe..but i have to write something..tarikh 23th Julai,2010 akn aku igt smpai bile2..tarikh yg btul2 buat aku tgamam,terkejut, sedih, segala mcm perasaan aku ase haritu. aku bwk mak aku g check kt private hospital sbb ade ketulan ke perut die. so lepas check doktor kt klinik bgtau yg limpa die bengkak (at 1st aku suspek kuman infection). Doktor advice g check kt klinik after a few checking, blood, urin,xray, ultrasound..ape yg aku pling xnk dgr sekali dri mulut doktor tu penyakit2 mcm ni la..mak disahkan leukimia chronic stage (CML a.k.a Chronic myelogenous leukemia ) accelaration phase. mule2 doktor Loo (dr. yg handle case mak aku) die bgtau mak aku kne penyakit darah yg critical..die bagtau hal ni kt depan sume family aku tmsuk mak aku..thendie anta mak aku g final blood chec, die whisper kt aku yg mak aku kene leukimia (barah darah)..ase nk gugur jantung aku waktu tu,,Tuhan je yg tau..hmm aku dinasihatkan oleh doktor Loo supaya anta mak aku ke hospital HKL or hospital penang..2 tempat ni je ade pakar n equipment utk rawat leukimia kt msia nk x nk tpksa anta ke penang sbb ade gak la sedara2 yg leh tgk2kn...smpai sini trus mak aku admit ke isolated room emergency..tujuan diisolate kn sbb mak aku dah xde sel darah putih untuk lwn mudah dijangkiti penyakit jika cmpur dgn pesakit2 lain,...kt hospital penang tu byk doktor yg bg info ttg penyakit mak aku ni..most of them ckp mcm dah xde aku ttp yakin yg die akan selamat..aku yakin..aku just bdoa mak aku kuat semangat, Allah pnjgkan umor die..selamat..tu jer aku mintak..physically mmg nmpk aku kt dalam ni sape yg tau...nak nangis air mata darah pn xde faedah gak..aku doa je byk2..aku just ade mak aku..hope die selamat..amin...


haidi takeAfoto said...

tq diana...same2 la doa mmg sy pn xnk pk sgt pn hal ni..mak sy pn xsuke cmtu..try je ape yg mampu...nway.. tq ek..

nadiah said...

sedih kan kalau org yg kita sayang kena sakit yg teruk camni...lbh2 lg mak kita,hilang separuh nyawa rasanya,my sis dah xde kerana kanser 17thn dulu,tak sempat nak manja2 ngan dia kerana masa tu kami kecik2 lg,u jg ibu u baik2 k
sementara ada umur dia,muga jadi anak yang taat...

Anonymous said...

i know ur feeling.but..keep be strong n strong!
Allah maha kuasa.usaha doa & tawakal