Assalamualaikum..xjwp dosa!!- haidi Takeafoto

My photo
Damansara, KL, Malaysia
What's there to say? My name is Haidi, and I'm me like only I can be. middle age of 20's, still bujang trang tang tang, much into guitar and photography. a degree holder in quantity surveyor (UTM Skudai, 2006), a project manager in this local construction industry, also a part time student @ Niosh(safety construction management) and also a freelance photographer.bla bla is strange, and together my friends and I live it to it's fullest.this is my life.nothing much about me..

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welcome to my life

elevenzerooneOone..something happened...and a day i decided to here i am....

"To me, photography is an art of observation. It's about finding something interesting in an ordinary place..I've found it has a little to do with things you see and everything to do with the way you see them. Aware of our surroundings..and always try to give meanings of everything we see"

-my lense' s story is my public first ever blog! i've been trying to picture myself holding a regular blog ever since i started reading some of the local blog about photographer..its looked fun and stuff but well, i never liked writing, so i quickly dropped the idea. blogging is not my thing, i thought. Then something really happen which i really regret i dont have any medium to rememberize it.

In spite of all this, this blog took birth on 11th jan 2010. i'll write mostly about myself, my boring life, my journey and its treasures. emm this is all exciting ! i have my very own blog

pull up a chair, lean back, relax & reminisce wif me, back to the GOOD OLD DAYS when the livin' was easy..

- HAIDI takeafoto


Saturday, July 24, 2010

CML (cancer darah) also known as leukimia


Pengenalan Penyakit

-Sejenis penyakit kanser darah di mana sum-sum tulang tidak dapat berfungsi lagi sebagai pembuat sel-sel darah merah pembeku darah (platelet darah)

-Ini menyebabkan sel-sel darah putih yang tidak normal dan tidak matang dihasilkan dalam tubuh

-Penghasilan sel darah putih yang terlalu banyak ini mengakibatkan seseorang menjadi pucat (anemia), pendarahan dan jangkitan yang berselang seli.

Jenis-Jenis Leukimia

1) Akut - Acute lymfoblastik leukimia (ALL) < 15 tahun

- Acute myloid leukimia (AML) > 45 tahun

2) Kronik- Chronic lymfositik leukimia (CLL)-35-60 tahun

- Chronic myloid leukimia (CML) > 60 tahun

Punca Penyakit / Faktor Risiko

-Bahan-bahan kimia seperti benzene dan derivatives yang memusnahkan sel sum- sum tulang

-Penggunaan bahan sitotoksik dan agen supresif

Tanda-Tanda / Simptom

-Leukimia akut - berlaku dalam tempoh waktu yang singkat dan pesakit biasanya tidak sihat.Boleh menyebabkan kematian dalam

masa yang singkat


-Rasa Letih

-Hilang selera makan

-Pendarahan mulut,kulit dan gusi

-Demam panas

-Pembengkakan kelenjar leher

-Leukimia kronik-sihat pada peringkat awal-pesakit boleh bertahan dalam anggaran 3-5 tahun walaupun tanpa rawatan

-Pembengkakan pada kelenjar limfa

-Pembesaran limfa

-Sakit tulang

-Demam panas


-Rasa letih


-Pendarahan pada kulit

-Batuk berdarah

-Muntah darah

-Keguguran rambut

Pusat Rawatan Mahsuri
B-G-32,Block B, Apartment Sri Penara,

Jalan Permaisuri 1, Bandar Sri Permaisuri,

56000 Cheras

atau di talian 03-9173 9786 / 013-371 2334

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