Assalamualaikum..xjwp dosa!!- haidi Takeafoto

My photo
Damansara, KL, Malaysia
What's there to say? My name is Haidi, and I'm me like only I can be. middle age of 20's, still bujang trang tang tang, much into guitar and photography. a degree holder in quantity surveyor (UTM Skudai, 2006), a project manager in this local construction industry, also a part time student @ Niosh(safety construction management) and also a freelance photographer.bla bla is strange, and together my friends and I live it to it's fullest.this is my life.nothing much about me..

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welcome to my life

elevenzerooneOone..something happened...and a day i decided to here i am....

"To me, photography is an art of observation. It's about finding something interesting in an ordinary place..I've found it has a little to do with things you see and everything to do with the way you see them. Aware of our surroundings..and always try to give meanings of everything we see"

-my lense' s story is my public first ever blog! i've been trying to picture myself holding a regular blog ever since i started reading some of the local blog about photographer..its looked fun and stuff but well, i never liked writing, so i quickly dropped the idea. blogging is not my thing, i thought. Then something really happen which i really regret i dont have any medium to rememberize it.

In spite of all this, this blog took birth on 11th jan 2010. i'll write mostly about myself, my boring life, my journey and its treasures. emm this is all exciting ! i have my very own blog

pull up a chair, lean back, relax & reminisce wif me, back to the GOOD OLD DAYS when the livin' was easy..

- HAIDI takeafoto


Wednesday, August 4, 2010

4/8/2010 - nk carik dorian belanda the movie

dah dekat seminggu aku duk cari2 satu phg durian belanda ni..xjumpe2 gak..smpi aku  assume yg buah tu dah pupus skali ngn dinosour2 jurasic park tu..dari temerloh, g mentakab, g kuantan, maran, jerantut..jengka sume aku dah pusing...lupe lak nk citer..mak aku sakit doktor nasihatkan mkn buah kiwi ngn durian belanda ni..dlm mase yg same mak aku still kene wat rawatan kemoterapi yg buah kiwi tu xde hal la..merata2 aku leh buah netherland ni la yg pyh giler babus nk jumpe..silap2 aku nk jer kol van persie nk tanye kt belanda tu ade dah durian ni.aku baget skg ni musim durian so senang la nk cari.upernye musim durian belanda ni xsame ngn durian biase tu..nk jadik crite time aku ngh mkn kt cafe siswi uitm smbil2 ushar siswi2 intake baru yg comey2 tu..ringan lak mulut aku ni saje2 wat tanye kt kak ana..tokei cafe tu..jwpn yg die bg mmg bez..ade pokok tp xtau la ade buah ke x..dgn title aku sbg regular customer kt cafe tu..aku pn memakse kak ana bungkus awal cafe die tu..(xpakse la..merayu sebenarnye)..kak ana yg baik ati lg comel tu pn ikut jer ckp aku mcm dah kene pukau ngn aku lak..heheh tq kak ana..i love u so much...aku follow kete die yg die drive mcm nk tercabut piston tu smpi la kt kg die..mmg ade pokok 1st time aku nmpk pokok durian belanda tu..bez2..mcm ade hrapn..malangnye ade putik durian jer..kak ana xsmpai ati tgk muke aku yg sedih tp buat2 hepi tu..die bwk lak aku g kubur dlm kg die tu..kat sane byk dusun..kate die la..smpi jer sane aku meng inspect stp pokok yg ade kt

situ..xkire la pokok manggis ke ciku ke..usaha aku tu xsia2..dpt 3bijik durian belanda yg dah ijau2 kuning..msk sgt la tu..hepi la aku mcm aku dah jadi jutawan power root je aku buah utk mak.....ade rezeki mak....on the way nk blik umah tu aku tgerak lak nk benti tanye brader jual sayur kt tepi jaln tu..

aku     : salam..bang..ade jual durian belanda x? (buat2 intro tanye padahal terang2 nmpk brader tu jual sayur)
brader : ssh la buah tu..kene g belanda baru ade (brader tu bg aku sedas lawak bodo lak..)

brader : ari ni aku xjual la..minggu lepas ade la

aku     : (perghh jwpn yg menyakitkan ati aku jer) kt mane ek nak carik buah tu kt sini?

brader : kt sini aku jer yg jual buah tu..klu ko nak ko try g ushar kt masjid.

aku     : (pelik lak brader ni..aku nk carik buah, bkn nak g akad nikah) kt masjid ade ke bang?

brader : ade..kompem ade..ari jumaat lepas aku nmpk ade 3 bijik kt pokok tu..dah besar da pn..

aku     : kompem ni bang?sy g masjid amik je ke buah tu?xde org mrh ke bang?

brader : ko ni pn la sedekah sket kt tok imam masjid tu..baik ko g cepat..kalu ko xamik aku amik ptg ni buah tu..aku dah lame target nk amik buah tu..(dgn nada n muke serius giler)

aku     : (aku cuak gak la brader tu beremosi lak tibe..)ok bang..terima kasih bang..salam..saya g amik dulu la bang..(aku sengih2 cuak la..)

alhamdulillah..smpi masjid tu mmg nmpk dah satu pokok tu ade 3bijik buah durian yg aku cari2 selame ini..hehe rezeki mak lg..aku trus blik umh pastu dgn wajah yg gumbira....(aduss lupe lak nk bg sedekah kt tok imam masjid tu...kire curik ni..)


iniAKU said...

haha..tetibe aku admire ngn brader sayor tu
slumbe die je jawab cenggitu,adoi

haidi takeAfoto said...

admire ngn brader tu je ker?mamat ensem yg penat2 petik durian belande ni x admire ke???aku yg wat entry slamber brader tu yg di admire lak..