Assalamualaikum..xjwp dosa!!- haidi Takeafoto

My photo
Damansara, KL, Malaysia
What's there to say? My name is Haidi, and I'm me like only I can be. middle age of 20's, still bujang trang tang tang, much into guitar and photography. a degree holder in quantity surveyor (UTM Skudai, 2006), a project manager in this local construction industry, also a part time student @ Niosh(safety construction management) and also a freelance photographer.bla bla is strange, and together my friends and I live it to it's fullest.this is my life.nothing much about me..

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welcome to my life

elevenzerooneOone..something happened...and a day i decided to here i am....

"To me, photography is an art of observation. It's about finding something interesting in an ordinary place..I've found it has a little to do with things you see and everything to do with the way you see them. Aware of our surroundings..and always try to give meanings of everything we see"

-my lense' s story is my public first ever blog! i've been trying to picture myself holding a regular blog ever since i started reading some of the local blog about photographer..its looked fun and stuff but well, i never liked writing, so i quickly dropped the idea. blogging is not my thing, i thought. Then something really happen which i really regret i dont have any medium to rememberize it.

In spite of all this, this blog took birth on 11th jan 2010. i'll write mostly about myself, my boring life, my journey and its treasures. emm this is all exciting ! i have my very own blog

pull up a chair, lean back, relax & reminisce wif me, back to the GOOD OLD DAYS when the livin' was easy..

- HAIDI takeafoto


Sunday, October 17, 2010

17/10/2010 - monteng keje g bukit bintang

aku ni mcm mkin lame mkin ngarut je gambar2 aku post kt sini..xpe pn leasure sukati je la..

dah selalu sgt aku post gmbar2 nature, sesekali kite g urban sket la..wasatiah sket la..kene balance..haha byk songeh lak aku ni..xde pe pn..aku nk bgtau yg aku monteng keje arini (konon2 buat2 outstation.hehe) ..shhhh.. jgn bgtau bos aku..nti aku blnje tosei ngn kuah dal..xde mood nk masuk opis arini, so aku g bukit bintang. xde arah tujuan sebenarnye..jenuh dok mikir nak buat pe arini, kt mane nak perabihkan duit. last2 aku  aku drive g bukit bintang nk shoot KL's folk la kunun2..byk gak gmbar urban, gmbar citizen, building aku tlupe nk ubah setting cik nikon aku ni..aku amik resolution sume gmbr bapok la berat..nk edit kecikkan gmbr aku MALAS!! so yg ni je la aku post..bsyukur je la dgn ape yg ade..

actually aku g bukit bintang tu pn bkn semate2 nk shoot, aku ade misi mengabihkan duit saving aku..haha smpi bukit bintang, aku nek monorail g jalan imbi, pastu g "heaven" mall aku. Low yatt tercinta..serius aku rindu gile mall ni..last aku dtg sini mase nk beli lappy HP aku yatt ni merupakan satu2nye mall yg aku leh lepak sehari suntuk dri terbit fajar hingga terbenamnye matahari (mcm pengertian berpuasa asas fardhu ain tingkatan 3 dulu2 lak)..bkn sekali aku buat cmni..masuk low yatt mase mule2 opening..kedai2 baru nk bukak, tau2 jer mase kuar mall dah gelap gelita kt luar la aku..antoo gadget..

misi aku kali ni nak rembat GPS..dah lame aku geram sbb selalu sesat kt kotaraya KL yg menyesatkan ni..pusing punye pusing, dah abis survey aku angkat terbaik yg aku ase..harga pn oraittt la..sound pn ok..leh gak wat album gambar dlm tu..8G memory dlm tu..mmg bez la simpan gambar2 yg aku xleh blah tu amoi tu kasik aku porch bag GPS tu kaler pink je yg ade amoi tu ckp..klu u xmau xpe..mende free..xkn aku xmau..belasah je la..belog aku pn dah dekat2 kaler pink dah aku pn xprasan..baget2 dulu nak theme purple..lari konsep lak. emm cepat sgt lak aku lepak kt lowyatt arini..luar biasa lak..xpnh2 cepat cmni..akibat dari terlalu cepat aku beli GPS tu..nahh amik ko, aku rembat lak seketul flashlite utk cik nikon aku tu..nissin la ko haidi..bab2 nk abiskan duit ni mmg la ko bile pk2 gune keje teruk2 5,6 ari seminggu, 8 to 5, klu duit gaji tu nk simpan jer..kene la reward something kt diri sendiri utk effort kite tu..setuju x..kene setuju gak!! cube pikir positif ni (nak sedapkan ati..)

GPS ni aku ase dah bukan mcm kehendak dah pn..dah mcm keperluan klu duk kt KL ni...mmg dah serabot kl ni..aku smpi skg pn tkial2 lagi klu drive kt kl ni..lagi pn GPS aku ni leh detect satelite thailand, brunei, spore n indon.terlebih riak lak amat sesuai la utk aku yg selalu travel ni...haha (nk sedapkan ati lagi ni) so kesimpulannye..aku x memBAZIR....bgus2 haidi ni...

p/s : gmbr mirror cabinet yg aku selit tu xde kaitan ngn entry ni, saje nk tunjuk yg kabinet aku dah semak.kene beli kabinet baru la..(pn x membazir gak tu..)

kabinet bilik aku yg dah xde space nak letak alat2 kosmetik aku.hahah..deodorant "pelipat" lengan je dah 2 botol (pelipat lengn tu ketiak la, malu nk sebut), deodorant kaki "scholl" sebotol, deodorant kasut "kiwi" 2 botol, (byk giler deodorant?? busukk sgt ke aku ni???)

selamber mat2 saleh main skate board lak kt tgh2 kl ni...belasah kang baru tau

ni la hasil shopping aku arini.pesal PINK????


+princess+ said...


ILA HonEyBuNNy said...

hehehe..banyaknya dedorent...ish2...n byknya shopping yer..huuhu

MiMi PeONy said...

ponteng je erk..shuping xajak skali...hehe

BabiesMom said...

aik warna pink ? owh titak.. waaaaaa dia nyer kabinet.. asal tak susun lek lok. .adoiaiiiiiiii.. namo camtu.. ahahhaha.. PONTENG kerja.. asal tak ajak.. ahahha

Anisa said...

nis suke gambar2 awak la..

waa..sakannye die shopping

shuhadah Zainol said...

kiwi tempat nye kat kabinet tu ke?..ermmm....

eeee...giler suke la pic2 yg haidi capture...:)

haidi takeAfoto said...

bkn kiwi kasut tu la..yg spray kasut xnk bg bau cekam tu la..anti respirant..haah kt kabinet tu je semal kay..tmpat2 lain sume dah kemas dah..dah mcm bilik pengantin dah pun..xde pengantin pompuan je lagi.hahah

- the Anne - said...

hasil shoping = pink??warghhh!! alegik tgk lelaki ade brg pink..heee...g celop nila gih..hehehee...(btw, sy pong minat pink!!)

Anonymous said...

Nuzul...bape rm ko punya GPS tu??
aku nak beli gak...

cintatehO said...

mai ai buat koleksi pelipat lenan ke??..ahakss malu gak nk sebut..weee;)

adakah anda seorang jiwa romantik atau hati umpama tisu??..soalan ni tercetus hasil dari pengamatanku terhadap brg shoping PINK 2...huhu

Fane Davis said...

yalah...apasal pink??/ahahaha...nak kasih tunjuk soft lah tuh??hehehe..
shopink lagi...shopink lagi kuat2 k...

Anna Boleyn said...

banyak nya duit hang! patutla antoo gadget rupanya. photographer gak ekk.. :) bley lah bg komen kat pic2 hana from baby D90. :)

rain&rainie said...


haidi takeAfoto said...

hana :same la cik nikon sy ni pn D90 gak...leh je..mlm ni sy singgah ek...

cintateho n fane : jantan sejati la..macho lagi..amoi kedai tu la yg bg kaler pink..xde choice lain dah..brg free..amik je la..nk bukti ke ni jantan sejati ni..hahaha takut korg..

nyesal lak post yg pink tu..xpasai2 jadi suspek soft2 sotong ek..aduss

MiYOKO SuKi said...

porch bag kaler pinkk...waaa..manyak suka laaa..kasi sama wa la kalo lu tak sukaa...hahahha (ckp cina lakk)

byknye deodorant kamu tuu..mmg betui2 busuk tuuu..hihihi (jgn marah ye, nnti cpt tua)

haidi takeAfoto said...

xdenye nak marah..xreti pn nak simpan je dlm ati ni..siap la tin nti..tunang tin ngn sy dulu satu kelab rekreasi...kami pakat2 pulau kan tin nti bru tau..hahah