Assalamualaikum..xjwp dosa!!- haidi Takeafoto

My photo
Damansara, KL, Malaysia
What's there to say? My name is Haidi, and I'm me like only I can be. middle age of 20's, still bujang trang tang tang, much into guitar and photography. a degree holder in quantity surveyor (UTM Skudai, 2006), a project manager in this local construction industry, also a part time student @ Niosh(safety construction management) and also a freelance photographer.bla bla is strange, and together my friends and I live it to it's fullest.this is my life.nothing much about me..

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welcome to my life

elevenzerooneOone..something happened...and a day i decided to here i am....

"To me, photography is an art of observation. It's about finding something interesting in an ordinary place..I've found it has a little to do with things you see and everything to do with the way you see them. Aware of our surroundings..and always try to give meanings of everything we see"

-my lense' s story is my public first ever blog! i've been trying to picture myself holding a regular blog ever since i started reading some of the local blog about photographer..its looked fun and stuff but well, i never liked writing, so i quickly dropped the idea. blogging is not my thing, i thought. Then something really happen which i really regret i dont have any medium to rememberize it.

In spite of all this, this blog took birth on 11th jan 2010. i'll write mostly about myself, my boring life, my journey and its treasures. emm this is all exciting ! i have my very own blog

pull up a chair, lean back, relax & reminisce wif me, back to the GOOD OLD DAYS when the livin' was easy..

- HAIDI takeafoto


Monday, October 18, 2010

18/7/2010 - angah & lil sis's weekend

semalam aku bwk misya n mira g TGV, jusco..saje je nk bwk diorg tgk movie..last movie aku tgk ngn diorg cite toy story3 3D tu..last 2 months aku ase..last aku sorg2 tgk movie lak cite expendable, last aku tgk ngn kwn2 cite senario pe ntah yg baru tu..jangan pandang belakang congkak..haha lawak gak la..

kesian lak adik2 aku tu umh je, aku balik umh mak aku, aku bwk diorg g tgk SAMMY's Adventures..cite sai penyu..bez gak xleh compare ngn finding nemo or Lion King zmn kite kecik2 dulu..mmg superb abis cite soundtrack sammy's ni mmg bez..mlm sok aku nk download sume soundtract cite ni..mmg terbaikkk..aku lyn lagu je lebih mlm tu..

aku ni jenis klu movie tu mmg bez, actor lak bez2, aku prefer tgk sorg2..xtau nape..kwn2 aku pn pelik gak la perangai aku ni..mcm dah xde kwn nk teman mmg aku cmtu..xtau nape..aku nk feel abis kot fhm jln cite movie tu aku ase..

aku beli sorg sekotak caramel popcorn n milo ais termasuk aku sekali last2 aku yg pelahap tiga2 kotak ngn milo ais tu..haha adik2 aku mkn skettt je aku ase..aku ni xlapelahap sgt, tp xnk membazir kn..(hahah ayt cover line mcm haramm) padahal mmg aku lapar mlm tu..yg aku geram lak si misya tu..dah tau nk tgk wyg ade lak die pkai quarter tight tu (aku xtau la suar pe..btul ke aku tulih ni?)..suar getah yg nipis tu..terbantut konsentrasi aku nonton filem.3x aku duk ngulang teman die g toilet..xteman kang malu lak aku klu die terbabas kt seat tu..3x g toilet 1 hal, duk lepak lame2 touch up2 dlm toilet tu 1 hal lg..

sib baik la angah korg ni penyabar orgnye..ensem lak tu..susah korang nk dpt abg cmni dah zmn2 skg ni..hahah adik aku yg bongsu tu mmg kaki make up..dah complete set make up die aku ase. dah mcm anak dara lak aku ase si misya ni..lain kali cmni lagi xmo dah angah bwk adik tgk wayang..bwk akak sorg jer..heheh

p/s : shu shinju..sorry xdpt amik kt umh join sekali..lain kali ek..hehehe sape suh duk penang!!

fish n' chip debomm!!

melantak marybrown lak pastu, aku xuke mkn kt sini, mira n misya ni nk sgt naik buaian, aku lyn je la

nape rambut adik jadi gitu tu..potong sendiri mak yg potong ni...jepun xjepun, korea pn xkorea.lantak korang la...

p/s lagi : usah ditanya mengape photo kale kuning..mmg aku setting cmni..heh


miss senyum said...

wahh bestnye bawak adik jln2, bila nak bwk sy nie? hehe

rain&rainie said...

ouh nama saya lina.
nmpknya xda rezeki awk la nk shout kt shoutbox saya.
ntah la sya pn xtaw.x reti nk perbetoi cm na.sori.huhuu
perlis tu my HOMETOWN!!!
haaa...yaka iklan alcohol.actually wifi kt maktab sya x kuar iklan sya xtaw pa benda iklan yg kuar.ayooo...nk log in nuff pn xleh sbb kn block gn seingat sya time register last month,sya x tick pun any alcohol element.ayoo..susah la cm nie.kena tggu balik rumah la nk betolkan.
ok.segala persoalan anda tlh djawab..

cintatehO said...

laa bru je nk tnya npe photo 2 kale kunin dh jwb dh..huhu, dh sy xde solan nk tnya dh...keciwaaa

BabiesMom said...

amboi angkut bakul sendiri nampak.. penyabar n hencem.. wakakakka.. bertuah adik2 dia.. ahahha. .comei adik.. bagus erk bawak lepa p jejalan. .camni ar abang soleh.. wakakak

shuhadah Zainol said...

huhuhu...nape x ambik shu kat umah..lama shu tunggu tau.. dah siap makeup 3 inci... x dtg2 jgk si haidi ni.. nak majuk lah..huhu...kikiki...

best erk cite penyu tu.. aritu nak tgk..2 kali x dapat.. sebab lambat sgt show dia.. saye kalau bab tgk wyg ni mmg feberet...hehehe...

adik haidi yg pakai tudung tu comel la.. sweet jer...:) saye...hihihi...:p

nurkaloi said...

wahhh g nonton....en haidi tak ajak ku...aiiyyyakkk nk marah niee...
eah eah cite penyu tu best eaa??? aiiyoo rugi ku tak tgok....
tp mekasih laa bg info yer...
yeahhh hari ni layan wayang at mid valley...jom jom

Hanis Azla said...

baguslah haidi ni.. jarang org bujang nak bawak adik kuar.. tgk movie plk tu..

- the Anne - said...

btol2!!jarang org bujang nk bwk adek2nye kire, abg terbaekk la ni..bagos2..(p/s:entry ni,reminds me, yg sy pon lame da xtgk wayang..adesss~~)

emieysandra said...

bagusnyer angah mereka ni, bawak adik2 kuar, gals lak 2..

eh, same la, emiey pun angak gak (sebok je nak gitahu)

MiYOKO SuKi said...

ajk shu je ke...awat tak ajk titin gak...mmm...nk majukla camniii

Anna Boleyn said...

baik punya abang kan.. :)

btw thanx sngt2 sbb sudi komen kat enty unplanned photoshoot tu. btw, he still at the beginner's stage. lense baru beli 1 yang 50 mm punya. tnga kumpul2 duit beli lense lain.

Tiq said...

Baiknya...bawak adik jln2..
Mudanya adikkk... :DD

nurul huda said...

heeee seronok nya misya n myra ade abg baik cmni..